The Third Journey – Making the Most of Your Life After Work

The Third Journey – Making the Most of Your Life After Work

$13.99eBook: $3.99

Thanks to advances in health care, expectations for retired life have changed radically. There are no longer only two phases of life (childhood and adulthood)—there is a third vital phase called Olderhood. Once you are free from the burden of work, you can experience a new and fulfilling life-but only if you learn how to reinvent yourself and make a realistic plan regarding how you are going to spend your time.

The Third Journey explores the emotional, financial, physical, and psychological issues that arise in retirement. Authors William R. Storie and Robin W. Trimingham seek to help you unravel your motivations as you prepare for and transition from the workplace into retirement. They take a detailed look at many of the obstacles and personal fears that people encounter as they age and offer perspectives and solutions for everything from downsizing and dealing with relatives to overcoming grief and loneliness, living on a fixed income, keeping busy, dating, and preventing elder abuse.

This guide offers a comprehensive discussion of the challenges and opportunities of later life, providing you with the tools to build a productive and satisfying retirement life.

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Can Millennials Ever Retire?

Can Millennials Ever Retire?

eBook: $3.75

Since 2019, in biological terms you’ve only got older by a year. You’re not too much closer to retirement now, than before the pandemic, so the physical act of retiring is still a long way ahead. Fine. However, the events of this past year i.e. Covid-19, have made you stop and think seriously about your future and the possible fragility of it. Life-changing events - caused by you, caused by others, caused by nature, caused by health issues - are real.

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Your Life Journey – Planning Workbook

Your Life Journey – Planning Workbook

eBook: $4.99

"Your Life Journey Planning Workbook", will help adults of all ages learn how to rethink time management, and is particularly well suited for anyone nearing retirement who wants to uncover ways to bring more meaning to your life by helping you identify and pursue life goals in a variety of areas including:

  • Living young at any age
  • Charting a new direction in later life
  • Setting new challenges for yourself
  • Overcoming complacency
  • Embracing opportunities to try new things "An entirely new way of thinking about and planning for your future".
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The 65 Joys of Turning 65 (and Retiring)

The 65 Joys of Turning 65 (and Retiring)

eBook: $4.75

“I’m coming UP the other side”

When people ask if I feel that I’m over the hill,I tell them “Nope, I’m coming up the OTHER side”.

Fresh air - Freedom - Fun

  • Family issues are behind you - they no longer live in your nest.
  • The job, and those idiotic colleagues, are behind you.
  • That annoying boss is annoying someone else.
  • Your money concerns are less of a concern (if you did your retirement planning correctly - you did, right?).
  • Maybe your money will last.
  • Maybe a little bit left over for the kids - maybe!
  • Nowadays, when some smarty pants kid suggests that you’re getting older …
  • … you say, “Eh, and you’re not?”!


Let Freedom Reign

Let YOUR Freedom Reign

The 65 Joys of Turning 65 is written by a man who stepped across that timeline a few years ago.

He soon realized that he had found a new life of freedom. He could do whatever he wanted - so he was determined to make the absolute most of this new environment.

Busy as always - but doing different things - writing, blogging, podcasting, video production, workshops, speaking engagements and more. Without any pressure. Nice.

The wonderful part of this new freedom is that you can start to appreciate life in a whole different way. You can now handle the tough stuff, but you can now see the humorous side of life - and it is so refreshing. Silliness is easy and enjoyable. No-one is interested in what you do - and guess what? - you don’t care.

So, come along and let me share my silly stuff with a few serious add-ons - and enjoy the 65 Joys of Turning 65 with me.

Bill Storie.

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A World of Change Across 4 Generations

A World of Change Across 4 Generations

eBook: $4.99

This Commentary looks at the personal impact on four different age groups : 18-35 ; 35-50 ; 50-65 ; and over 65. It relies on official statistics and forecasts regarding population, aging and demographic analysis. The world’s population is getting older. This simple fact brings with it a multitude of societal and economic consequences.

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The Dogma Diaries: A Notebook for Yorkie Lovers Everywhere

The Dogma Diaries: A Notebook for Yorkie Lovers Everywhere


Do you love Yorkies? Do you know someone who does? This little book is filled with inspirational "yorkie wisdom" guaranteed to make you smile. Spend the day scribbling thoughts ideas and notes. The perfect gift for the yorkie lover in your life!

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